Tuesday, 23 October 2012


To work out what to include in my own music video survey I used an example questionnaire and made changes where I thought the questionnaire had a fault whether it was unclear or just unnecessary. The main issue I found with the questionnaire was when it cam to answering the question, to often the boxes were to limiting, with many questions requiring multiple answers. Such as question six 'What type of 'gizmosz' do you own?', it is more than likely that the audience will have more than just one of the forms of technology listed. Another problem with this question is it's highly informal using a sociolect term such as 'gizmo' may confuse the audience if they do not know what it means and put them off from answering the question reliably or at all.
The example questionnaire also asks what does the audience 'expect too see in a music video'. This is a reasonable question as the feeedback will determine the nature of the music video and whether it's a concept, narrative or performance. Yet, including options like, drugs, sex and alcohol is not necessary as I would be unable to include these in my music video.

Unfortunately the survey site SurveyMonkey, that I used, only allows questionnaires to be ten questions long, so I am having to split the survey in to two. The first asking about music genres and purchasing and the second to be on music identity and content.

To get people to fill out my surveys I will post the survey on my blog and on Twitter, I will also email it to people that have agreed to fill the survey out but do not have a way of accessing my blog or Twitter. 

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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